Tuesday 1 December 2009

Size isn't everything....

Well only a quick posting this time folks. Busy with my core business designing so not had a lot of time to devote to the photography. But something that is becoming apparent and has been mentioned before in many other blogs is the 'quality v quantity' decision. 
Having been contributing 4 months properly, it seems my initial thoughts of chucking everything I can into the mix may not necessarily be the order of the day. I notice, particularly as a buyer of stock, that the quality is getting a lot better - you get a lot more bang for your buck. With this in mind I have tried to be a little stricter of late on what I upload, and more significantly results may back this up. At SS I have only around 85 images, yet my earnings this month have been $70 and my total in 4 months of contributing $160. This makes the time/revenue more acceptable. If I had chucked loads more average stuff online, I would have spent a hell of a lot more time on preparation/upload etc and would that have given me any better return? Initially I thought 'yes' but now I'm not so sure...
Add to this the interesting article from Lee Torrens at Microstock Diaries about the 'Long Tail' and how only a few good shots make the most money. Food for thought!

Interested in anyone else thoughts/experiences on this.

Earnings this month
SS - $70
DT - $3.35
others - nothing

Total earnings in 4 months $200 (almost!)